DePaul University > About > Administration > Elizabeth F. Ortiz, EdD

  • Elizabeth F. Ortiz, EdD

    Vice President for Institutional Diversity and Equity


Elizabeth Ortiz, EdD, joined DePaul University in 2002 and is currently the vice president for Institutional Diversity and Equity.

Prior to her work at DePaul she was the director of Affirmative Action, Diversity and Employee Relations at Northern Illinois University. Her college and university experience spans more than 20 years in both the public and private sector, including the Chicago community college system. She has worked on diversity initiatives in several areas, including recruitment, retention, training, programming and climate issues for diverse students, faculty and staff. Ortiz also has worked extensively in issues of higher education and in particular raising awareness for Latino students, educators, community representatives and others who are committed to Latino representation and advancement in all aspects of higher education. She is in demand as a consultant, lecturer and workshop presenter on diversity issues and best practices.

Her professional service includes community and professional boards, which emphasize multiculturalism, as well as recruitment and retention initiatives for diverse student and workforce populations. She currently serves on the board of the Illinois African-American and Latino Higher Education Alliance (IALHE), is the first vice president of the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE), and is the past-president of the Illinois Latino Council on Higher Education (ILACHE).
